The Embassy of Sri Lanka, Rome, Italy wishes to inform that the flow decree, which is
annually published by the Italian government and operates as the main procedure of
recruiting migrant workers from non-European countries, has been officially published on
January 26, 2023.

The applications will be accepted from March 27, 2023 from 9.00 am.
Total number of non-EU workers (seasonal, not seasonal and self-employed) permitted to
enter Italy is 82702 units.

The maximum number of 38705 people may enter as workers/employees.
Out of the 38705 non-EU workers, 24105 units for non-seasonal and self- employed
jobs (truck drivers, building, hotel/tourism, mechanic sectors, telecommunications,
food industry and shipbuilding) are specially granted to the selected countries including
Sri Lanka.

In the category of seasonal jobs (hotels, tourism, cultivation sectors), 44000 workers
are granted to the selected countries including Sri Lanka.

Out of these 44000 seasonal workers, 1500 units are only for those workers (incl. Sri
Lanka) who entered to Italy for seasonal work at least once in the past 5 years.

In addition, out of these 44000 seasonal workers, 22000 units from the above counties,
incl. Sri Lanka, are granted only to the applications submitted from the Italian agricultural
confederations (as sponsors) for direct recruitment.

The applications have to be submitted by the sponsors/employers/associations etc. in Italy
to recruit the non-EU workers under the above quotas. The Italian Ministry of Labour and
Social Policies has made available an online application for the employers/sponsor in Italy
at the following link:

For detailed information, please visit the following official website of the Government of