Satya Rodrigo, Ambassador to the Republic of Italy

Mr. Satya Rodrigo assumed duties as the Ambassador to the Italian Republic in Rome on 4th July 2024. He is a career diplomat of Sri Lanka, having joined the Sri Lanka Foreign Service in July 1998.

Prior to his appointment he was the Director General of the Latin America & the Caribbean Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka, from 15th March 2023 to 2nd July 2024. He was the Director General of the Southeast Asia Division from November 2021 to 14th March 2023 handling ASEAN States and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). He was the Co-Chair (Sri Lanka) of the ARF ISM on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament for the period (2022-2023) and chaired the 13th ARF ISM on NPD, Session on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and chaired the 14th ARF ISM on NPD hosted by Sri Lanka from 16th – 17th May 2023.

His previous overseas assignments were: Deputy Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka at the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in New York (from July 2018 to October 2021, covering work related to First, Fourth and Sixth Committees at the United Nations, as well as General Assembly and Security Council matters; and Member (Sri Lanka) of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories, for the period 2018 to 2021, which included field missions for the preparation of the Reports of the Special Committee from 2018 to 2021); Minister Counsellor & Alternate Representative at the Sri Lanka Permanent Mission & Embassy in Vienna, Austria (covering work related to the International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA); UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO); the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) and the UN Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC); where he also served as the Chairman of Asia Group Task Force for a period of 8 months and was responsible for coordination of Asian Group work at the UN in Vienna for resident missions, preparation of Group statements and positions on multilateral issues with regard to UNIDO, IAEA, UNODC & CTBTO matters; negotiating on behalf of Asian Group, for the Group’s proposal that was adopted and approved by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, to improve and revitalize the work of the Commission; Alternate Member of the UNIDO Staff Pension committee for the Asian Group, elected for two terms; and covering bilateral relations with Austria and 8 concurrent accreditations in the region); and Second and First Secretary at the Sri Lanka High Commission in Pretoria, South Africa (with concurrent accreditation to 7 SADC countries).

At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka, he has served as the Director General of the Public Communications Division, Director General of the Overseas Sri Lankans Division, and in various capacities in the United Nations & Multilateral Affairs Division, and the South Asia and SAARC Division.

Mr. Rodrigo’s educational qualifications include Bachelor of Arts in International Studies from the City University of New York (CUNY), and Postgraduate Diploma in International Studies from the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna. He also pursued an LLM in International Studies from the University of Vienna.

He was a student at St. Thomas’ Preparatory School, Colombo, Sri Lanka; United Nations International School (UNIS), New York; International School of Geneva (Ecolint); and the Overseas School of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

As a photography enthusiast, he has been a member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) and continues to be a member of the Photographic Society of Sri Lanka (PSSL), and the Streets of Colombo (SOC) collective of photographers. He has been awarded FIAP and GPU Chairs Choice Gold Medals and Monochrome Photography Awards at several international photographic salons in 2022. He was featured in the Yearbook of 100 Photographers from China and Sri Lanka (2023) which showcased photographers from China and Sri Lanka in commemoration of the 66th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Mr Ratnasingam Kohularangan – Deputy Chief of Mission

Mrs. Buddhika Herath – Counsellor

Mrs. Sajeewa Sirithunga – Consular Assistant

Mrs. Thilini Gunaratne – PA to the Ambassador

Office Hours &

Consular hours – (Weekdays) Monday to Friday 09.00 A.M to 03.00 P.M

Holidays 2025

Location Map

From Rome Termini Station:

Take bus no. 92 and get off at Tagliamento/Clitunno bus stop

From Rome Tiburtina Station:

Take metro B (direction Laurentina), Get off at Policlinico metro stop.
Take bus no. 3 or tram no. 19 at Regina Margherita/Morgagni stop
Get off at Liegi/Bellini stop


Take metro B (direction Laurentina)
Get off at Bologna metro stop Take metro B1 and get off at Libia metro stop
Go to Eritrea/Emerenziana bus stop and take bus no. 83 Get off at Tagliamento/Chiana bus stop

රෝමයේ ටමනි දුම්රියපොළ සිට පැමිණෙන්නේනම්:

අංක 92 බස්රියෙහි නැග Tagliamento/Clitunno බස් නැවතුම්පලින් බහින්න.
ඉන් ඉදිරියට එනවිට ඇති වීයා ආඩිජේ පාරට හැරී අංක 2 වෙත පැමිණෙන්න.

තිබුර්තිනා දුම්රියපොළ සිට පැමිණෙන්නේනම්:

ලවුරෙන්තිනා දිශාවට යන මෙට්‍රෝ B එක ගෙන, Policlinico නැවතුම්පලෙන් බහින්න.
Margherita/Morgagni නැවතුම්පලෙන් ට්‍රෑම්ප් අංක 3 හෝ ට්‍රෑම්ප් අංක 19 ගෙන,
Liegi/Bellini නැවතුම්පලෙන් බහින්න. මීටර් 140 ක් Salaria මාවත දෙසට පැමිණෙන්න,
වමට හැරී Salaria/SS4 මීටර් 400ක් ගමන් කරන්න. ආඩිජේ පාරට හැරෙන සිව්මන්සලෙහි
දකුණුපස අපගේ තානාපති කාර්යාලය පිහිටා ඇත.


ලවුරෙන්තිනා දිශාවට යන මෙට්‍රෝ B එක ගෙන, Bologna නැවතුම්පලෙන් බහින්න
මෙට්‍රෝ B1 එක ගෙන Libia නැවතුම්පලෙන් බහින්න.
Eritrea/Emerenziana බස් නැවතුම්පලෙන් 83 බස්රථය ගෙන
Tagliamento/chiana බස් නැවතුම්පලෙන් බහින්න.

ரோம், டா்மினி ரயில் நிலையத்திலிருந்து வருவதாயின்,

பஸ் இலக்கம் 92 ஏறி Tagliamento/Clitunno தாித்திடத்தில் இறங்கி, முன்நோக்கி நகா்ந்து

Via Adige வழியே 200 மீற்றா் வருதல் வேண்டும்

திபுா்த்தினா ரயில் நிலையத்திலிருந்து வருவதாயின்,
Laurentina திசைக்கு செல்லும் மெட்ரோ B யில் ஏறி Policlinico தாித்திடத்தில் இறங்கி
Margherita/Morgagni – Tram தாிப்பிட நிலையத்தில் 19 அல்லது 03 Tram இல் ஏறி Liegi/Bellini
தாித்திடத்தில் இறங்கி பின் 140 மீற்றா் அளவில் Salaria பாதை வரை நடந்து
இடது புறமாக திரும்பி Salaria பாதை வழியே 400 மீற்றா் முன்நோக்கி வந்து
Via Adige பாதைக்கு திரும்பி துாதரகத்தை அடையலாம்


Mr.Michael Xynos
Honorary Consul of Sri Lanka
Apostolou Pavlou 5 , Agia Paraskevi, 153 42 Athens, Greece
Tel: +302213 088 9977 / +30210 922 5000,


Mr. Mirton Lika
Honorary Consul of Sri Lanka in Albania
Honorary Consulate of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in Albania
Address: Sky Tower Nr.124, St.I.Rrugova, Tirana 1019,Albania
Tel: +355692069888